
Debug mode

OpenNext can be executed in debug mode by setting the environment variable OPEN_NEXT_DEBUG=true.

This will output A LOT of additional logs to the console.This also disable minifying in esbuild, and add source maps to the output. This can result in code that might be up to 2-3X larger than the production build. Do not enable this in production

OPEN_NEXT_DEBUG=true npx open-next@latest build

Cannot find module next

You might stumble upon this error inside cloudwatch logs: Cannot find module 'next'. It is likely that you are in a monorepo and you have several lock files. Just make sure that you have a single lock file in the root of your project.

Reducing bundle size

Next might incorrectly include some dependencies in the bundle. To remove them you can use this configuration inside next.config.js:

experimental: {
    outputFileTracingExcludes: {
      "*": ["node_modules/the-unwanted-package"],

Also you should not add sharp as a dependencies unless absolutely necessary, the image optimization already has it's own version of sharp.

Patch fetch behaviour for ISR. Only for next@13.5.1+

If you use ISR and fetch in your app, you may encounter a bug that makes your revalidate values inconsistent. The issue is that it revalidates using the lowest revalidate of all fetch calls in your page, regardless of their individual values. To fix this bug, you need to modify the fetch function in your root layout component with the following code snippet

export default function RootLayout() {
  const asyncStorage = require("next/dist/client/components/static-generation-async-storage.external");
  const staticStore = (fetch as any).__nextGetStaticStore?.() || asyncStorage.staticGenerationAsyncStorage;
  const store = staticStore.getStore();
  store.isOnDemandRevalidate = store.isOnDemandRevalidate && !(process.env.OPEN_NEXT_ISR === 'true');
  return <>...</>;