Internal plugin system

OpenNext use 3 different esbuild plugins internally to recompile or modify the source code depending on some condition like the next version or the runtime used

OpenNext Replacement Plugin

This plugin is used to replace some code in the source code with some other code.

Here is a very simple example of how to use it:

    // The target file to replace code in
    target: /plugins\/default\.js/g,
    // This is where the plugin will look for the code to replace
    replacements: [require.resolve("./plugins/default.js")],
    // This is to delete some code from the target file
    deletes: ["id1"],
  //To inject arbritary code by using (import at top of file):
  import data from 'data'
  const datum = data.datum
  To replace code:
  //#override id1
  export function overrideMe() {
     // I will replace the "id1" block in the target file

OpenNext Resolve Plugin

This plugin is used to avoid having to bundle the whole library in the final bundle. It will replace the dynamic import of the overrides with the one that we want to use.

Here is a very simple example of how to use it:

  overrides: {
    wrapper: "node",
    converter: "node",

OpenNext Edge Plugin

This plugin is used to properly compile routes or middleware built for the edge runtime.

Here is a very simple example of how to use it:

  // The path to the .next directory
  nextDir: "next",
  // The path to the edgeFunctionHandler.js file that we'll use to bundle the routing
  edgeFunctionHandlerPath: "./edgeFunctionHandler.js",
  // The middlewareInfo from the middlware manifest file
  middlewareInfo: middlewareInfo
  // If the app should be bundled for cloudflare workers
  isInCloudflare: true