Inner Workings

Open-next use esbuild to build the project. Given that we aim to support multiple version of Next and multiple runtime, we developped a plugin to override some parts of our code at build time with an esbuild plugin.


As of now, the plugin is internal and not exposed to the user. We might expose it in the future, but for now, it is used only internally.

How to use

You need to create a ts file where you will override the code. Inside this file, you can use the following syntax:

// Everything inside here will be placed at the top of the file
const test = "test";
//#override import
// Everything inside here will replace the content of the override with the given id: import
// To get the id you'll need to look at the file you want to override
import { requestHandler } from "./util.js";
//#override fnId
// Everything inside here will replace the content of the override with the given id: fnId
export const fnId = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
  requestHandler(req, res);

and then you use the plugin this way:

import openNextPlugin from "./plugin.js";
  name: "name of the plugin",
  target: /plugins\/serverHandler\.js/g, // regex to match the file to override
  replacements: ["./serverHandler.replacement.js"], // path to the files containing the overrides

Known issues

Do not include types in #override and #imports, as esbuild will remove preceeding comments (ie it removes //#override id)when it builds.

Instead, put the import type outside like:

import type { PluginHandler } from "../next-types.js";
import type { IncomingMessage } from "../request.js";
import type { ServerResponse } from "../response.js";

//#override imports
import { requestHandler } from "./util.js";

The types are removed in the final output anyways.